January 2021

An open notebook with a pen on a laptop

Dear Reader

A new year has arrived! And like the year before it, this new 365 days has come with much anticipation. It is fitting at such a time that we should...

A small plant sprouting

Hope for the New year Therefore, I have hope!

"This I recall to my mind; therefore, have I hope" (Lamentations 3:21) There was some great cause for this hope that seems suddenly to have illumin...

Handwriting on paper

The women in Matthew’s genealogy!

It is of considerable interest to observe that there are the names of five women in the genealogical record of Matthew, and although no historical...

A lazy cat

Partial obedience

So often we hear people say: "I have done my best. God can surely accept that. None of us is perfect." This seems quite reasonable to men as a whol...

Man sitting looking at a nice view

Christ’s Presence With Those Who Love Him

When the Lord Jesus passed through this world as Man for the accomplishment of the will of God, His Father was ever the object before Him, and He c...

An old telephone

One Quick Call

On February 25, 1955, a young mother in San Francisco made her doctor swear he would keep her secret. He would never reveal her name to anyone who...

Overhead view of woman working on a laptop with an open book

Search the Scriptures

Questions What is the first color mentioned in the Bible? Who asked the Lord Jesus to show the disciples the Father? How many fruits does the tre...

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