January 2022

Typing on a laptop

Dear Reader

2022 has arrived with all its unknown! We look on to a path as yet unseen and untrodden. Many set up their goals and plans, yet, judging by how the...

Peaceful road with fall leaves

Andrew and Philip

It is a blessed thing to know that the Lord Jesus Christ has settled the question of our sins so that we can say without a doubt, “We have peace wi...

Open Bible with highlights

The Word to Philadelphia

It is blessed to see in the verses we have read that, in spite of all the failure and breakdown recorded in these chapters, there is in the church...

Sunrise with golden grains

Looking Forward

In reading these verses I have in mind to draw a comparison between the state of the saints in the day of Haggai and our state today. One has been...

A large tree

A Personal Letter to a Saint at Marah

Friend in the Lord: So, you have come to Marah and found the waters there bitter. You had learned already that the world was nothing but a wildern...

A field of crosses in a cemetery

Be Prepared!

A news article recently published the name of famous people that died in 2021. Some were old, many were healthy middle-aged, and some were healthy...

Studying a Bible

Search the Scriptures

Questions What was the name of Ruth’s first husband? How many loaves did the Lord Jesus use to feed the four thousand? Who was the apostle whose...

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